Starter 1 Unofficial Editorial

Starter 1 Unofficial Editorial

Monday, Aug 3, 2020

@ Sabbir

Starter 1 Contest Link :pushpin: Problem A: printing format : (int)(string)(int) — Numerator/Denominator Numerator= (6-maximum point between Yakko & Wakko+1)/gcd of 6 and (6-maximum point between Yakko & Wakko+1) Denominator= 6/gcd of 6 and (6-maximum point between Yakko & Wakko+1) Code in C++ //MSA #include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std; int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); int Y,W; cin>>Y>>W; int n1,n2,rem,k; k = 6 - max(Y, W) + 1; n1=k; n2=6; while(n2!
Online Judge

Online Judge

Tuesday, Jun 2, 2020

@ Sabbir

1.Codeforces creator: Mike Mirzayanov :clipboard: Tools for codeforces: Codeforces Visualizer »»»»»:man_technologist: sjsakib code-drills »»»»»:man_technologist: Balajiganapathi Codeshows »»»»»:man_technologist: surya1231 cfladders »»»»»:man_technologist: srijan_de Competitive Companion(Chrome Extension) »»»»»:man_technologist: Jasperr CF-Predictor(Chrome/Firefox/Opera Extension) »»»»»:man_technologist:Wsl_F Synapse0 (Only for Bangladesh) Upsolve »»»»»:man_technologist: zenolus DYNAMIC A2OJ »»»»»:man_technologist: subodhk 2. AtCoder creator: Naohiro Takahashi , Makoto Soejima :clipboard: Tools for atcoder: kenkoooo »»»»»:man_technologist: kenkoooo Competitive Companion(Chrome Extension)»»»»»:man_technologist: Jasperr Official AtCoder(Youtube Channel) Atcoder-scores »»»»»:man_technologist: Shrimp 3.
Youtube and Livestreams

Youtube and Livestreams

Sunday, May 31, 2020

@ Sabbir

Recent Contest Probelm solvers: Handle Resource RomeoFantastik Youtube stefdasca Youtube aaronhe07 Youtube dvkcool Youtube Tutorials: Handle Resource Errichto Youtube , Github tmwilliamlin168 Youtube , Github kazama460 Youtube Livestreams: Handle Resource Golovanov399 Youtube Endagorion Youtube Um_nik Youtube subscriber Youtube

About Me

Hello there , i am Sabbir.

2nd year undergraduate student at University of Asia Pacific

[i will write remaining parts later , brain is not working now !]

– Last Updated 01 June 2020



LANGUAGE Proficiency
C 60%
Java 35%
Python 50%
C++ 40%


Topic Proficiency
Git 50%
Filmora 70%
Markdown 40%


অনেক খুঁজছি , কিছুই পাই নাই , পুরা জীবনটাই বৃথা